Posts Tagged ‘Wolves in the Throne Room’


Tons of new releases this week including Goatwhore, Ministry, Wolves in the Throne Room, and much, much more.



Reviewing a band that suddenly changes their sound is never an easy task. How does one compare the band’s catalog to their new sound? How does the listener approach such a drastic shift in the approach to the music? Those are just two of the simple questions when approaching the new Wolves in the Throne Room album Celestite.   The companion album to 2011’s Celestial Lineage, Celestite sounds nothing like the former. The simplest comparison would be Burzum’s change from black metal into a prolific ambient powerhouse that is black metal’s version of Tangerine Dream. There must be something about being locked away in the wilderness with little outside influence that moves these artists to make such drastic changes. That being said, however, the stylistic progression isn’t that much of a stretch for the black metal genre.


Noisey is streaming a new track from Wolves in the Throne Room’s latest outing Celestite. Initiation at Neudeg Alm, much like the first track that was released, Celestite Mirror, is an ambient, spooky affair. The band seems to be taking a page from Burzum’s bok and trying to advance black metal beyond its sometimes stifling set of unwritten rules.


Olympia, Washington’s Wolves in the Throne Room are streaming the first track from their new album Celestial Lineage. The LP will be the debut release for the band’s own Artemisia Records. The album will be out July 8th on LP and CD.