Posts Tagged ‘Meat Loaf’


I purchased the Kindle edition of Ian’s biography to read on a seriously ill-fated vacation.  Luckily for me, I didn’t attempt to start reading it on the trip as the Kindle app on my iPad failed to download the book.  Safely back in the confines of the cubby hole I call home, I downloaded the book and couldn’t put it down.  Ian starts things off with a family tree breakdown and tales from his upbringing.  Born in New York to Jewish parents that didn’t love each other, Ian escaped through comic books, baseball, and music.  As with many musicians of the era, seeing KISS live was the driving force in Ian’s desire to be a rock star.  Heavy metal quickly became the common denominator amongst his friends, which included future bandmate Danny Lilker.  With that, the seeds of Anthrax were planted.
